Monday, February 17, 2014



White House likes stimulus law, the following is the quoted article:

Republicans call it a colossal waste of taxpayer's money
By Zachary A. Goldfarb, The Washington Post
Published: February 17, 2014, 6:09 PM
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RANCHO MIRAGE, Calif. — The White House began a fresh effort Monday to defend the economic stimulus measure passed at the beginning of President Barack Obama’s tenure as Republicans sought to pillory the law.

Obama and congressional Democrats passed the $800 billion stimulus bill, known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, in 2009 as a response to a deep recession that started in December 2007 and, by the time Obama took office, was costing 800,000 jobs per month. In the five years since, the law has become a test for judging Obama’s response to one of the greatest economic calamities in U.S. history. The nation’s unemployment rate topped out at 10 percent in October 2009 and has slowly declined since. It now stands at 6.6 percent.

The White House and Democrats say the stimulus legislation made a major difference, helping to end the recession. According to a report released Monday by the White House Council of Economic Advisers, the law saved or created an average of 1.6 million jobs a year from 2009 through 2010.

The law “had a substantial positive impact on the economy, helped to avert a second Great Depression, and made targeted investments that will pay dividends long after the Act has fully phased out,” CEA Chairman Jason Furman said Monday in a blog post.

Republicans, however, have argued that the stimulus legislation was a colossal waste of taxpayer money and that it failed to boost the economy. They noted that Obama’s own projections suggested that the unemployment rate would rise far less than it did under the legislation.

“Five years later, the stimulus is no success to celebrate,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., wrote Monday in a commentary for Reuters. “It’s a tragedy to lament.”

Most independent economists agree that the law, combined with the aggressive efforts of the Federal Reserve, brought the economic contraction to an end in June 2009. The most common critique of the legislation from professional economists is that it wasn't enough to offset the dramatic economic shortfall in early 2009.

The stimulus consisted of tax breaks targeting lower- and middle-income Americans, fresh spending on infrastructure projects, green energy and health-care technology, and aid to state and local governments under intense financial pressure from the recession.

Furman noted in his blog post that when it became clear that the economy needed more support, the White House took new actions to stimulate it, including a tax cut in December 2010 that boosted Americans’ disposable income in the final two years of Obama’s first administration.

The CEA report argued that the stimulus had a longer-lasting impact in various key areas, including roads and bridges, broadband Internet service and education.

“While far more work remains to ensure that the economy provides opportunity for every American, there can be no question that President Obama’s actions to date have laid the groundwork for stronger, more sustainable economic growth in the years ahead,” End of article....From Blogger:
I am from Ky most of us support Mitch McConnell.

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